Marlboro man-key for the success of marlboro

There is no place where advertising is more relevant than in the cigarette industry, brand loyalty is extremely high so its extremely important to a cigarette company that they’re the first one biggie smoke, it’s also important to distract the consumer  from the obvious  fact that their product is going to kill them eventually, necessity has made these companies masters at advertising.    


                                            When Philip Morris started the company in 1847, it was aimed at woman, but it didn’t work very well at first, however on the 1950’s when new study came that, smoking tobacco causes cancer many tobacco companies started to panic and changed their tactics, It was at this time that Marlboro made its key move and became first ever lifestyle advertiser. Lifestyle advertisement means when a commercial company tries to tie its product to something else in your life, a feeling &attribute, satisfaction, like energy drink ties itself to extreme athletic or camera to adventure, a soda to happiness, a car to love. When Marlboro change advertisement campaign they were selling their product as a symbol rather than just on the merits of its design, they did this by creating a cowboy smoking Marlboro cigarette, known as Marlboro man. He was hardworking and living free from any restrictions, and because of this campaign, Marlboro went from owning 1% of the market to being the 4th largest cigarette company in the world, and within 4 years Marlboro became number 1 in selling cigarette in the world and remains that way till the date.

No matter what stance we have on the cigarette, we can all learn from Marlboro, and understand that people don’t want to be sold a product, people want to be sold of feelings of communication.

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