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technology inevitable
technology jobs
Technology is Inevitable
In Stone age, every human had to hunt or gather to survive but homosapiens were smart. We made tools to make our work easier. We have spent the last several centuries to reduce the physical labor of all kinds by building mechanical muscles which were more reliable and time efficient than human muscles because we humans have physical limitations.
Some people are specialized as programmers and they build a mechanical mind which made human muscle less in demand. You might think we have been here but we haven’t this time it’s different.
When we talk about Automation, our minds wander around giant dumb robots assembling some car unit, but they are the old type of automation. The new robots can learn whatever you want them to learn. For example Bexter. He is an industrial robot built by Rethink Robotics, a two-armed robot having an animated face. He can learn anything just by watching you do it and it costs less than the average salary of a skilled worker, unlike his elder brother he is not pre-programmed to do any specific job. He can do whatever work is within the reach of his arms. Bexter is thought of as a general purpose robot but his mind is capable of making the decision and does work constantly with minimum error.
The possibility of mechanical mind replacing the human mind is extremely high not immediately but it is inevitable.
The self Driving car is not in your future they are here and they really work. The question is not about how they can replace the human driver but how quickly they can do it. The driverless car doesn’t need to be perfect they just need to be better than us and considering they don’t drink, text, smoke, blink while driving I guess they already are better than us. If you think insurance companies will be against this think again there perfect driver is the one who will pay a small premium and never gets into an accident.
It’s easy to see bexter and self-driving car as a hindrance and think that technology has always tried to get rid of low skilled labor but white collar jobs are no exception this time. If your job is to sit in front of a computer and type and click, bots are coming for you too. Software bots are much faster and cheaper and that’s why software engineers are there to replace your job with different bots and if you think no bot can do your work then super smart programmers are making bots which teach themselves to do things that programmer can never teach them to do.
But you must be thinking that "Profession" is still safe. Let's go through some more information.. When we think of a lawyer we think of trials but most of the time there work is to draft legal documents which can easily be done by any bot by understanding the pattern and making own amendments in it.
IBM has a bot name “Watson”. Watson's day job is to be the best doctor in the world by understanding what people say to him and give back accurate diagnosis and he is already doing that and giving accurate consultancy on Lung treatment cancer. Bot doctors are doing better than a human doctor. The figures regarding misdiagnosing are terrifying and understanding every drug reaction with another drug is beyond the reach of the human mind There are special research bots whose job is to test thousands of new drugs every day. Another point which makes bot doctor better than the human doctor is that humans can only improve with there own experience whereas bot doc can learn from another bot experience as well.
Creativity might feel like magic but it isn’t. A brain is a complicated machine and it may be the most complicated machine in the universe but that hasn’t stopped us from stimulating it and artistic creativity is not what most of the jobs depends on. Actually number of writers, poets, Singers, directors, actors who actually earn their living by their profession. But the earning is very low and consist of a tiny portion of the labor force that is also the reason that there is no such economy as the poem based economy or painting based economy. There is a bot name Emily who can write original music for the whole day and people cannot tell the difference between her and human-composed music when put to test, neither the less it is still a developing field.
All we can do now is wait and watch how technology brings a vital and magnificent change in the economies of the world.
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