Will we ever be able to download Human Brain?

Scientists around the world are working hard on technology, so that, one day scientist could take your brain, possibly your consciousness with it, and upload it into a computer. This would be a striking change in neuroscience, some people believe that this could lead to immortality

So how close are we to downloading our brain?

Downloading doesn’t mean plugging wires to your head or sync it to your phone. It’s way complicated than this, well our brain is so much complicated. Information in our brain is encoded in synaptic connections neurons and there are trillions of them, in these not only our episodic memories are stored, but also all learned knowledge. In order to download your brain, each one of those trillions of synaptic connection and would have to precisely map, scanned and reconstructed on a computer-simulated as a brain. And with this, all the experiences, thoughts, memories of the person would be downloaded.

There are projects all over the world, working on scanning and simulating the brain in the name of healthcare and medication. In 2014 researchers scanned a roundworm’s brain and simulated it into a robot, and the simulated brain robot could freely move without any human direction. Here the idea is that memories and thought are basically data and we should be able to copy that data over to a computer and you’d be still you.

This study is also going to help us understand the human brain better we would be able to treat tumor, addictions, epilepsy and learn more about, how human evolved.

When will this happen?

According to me we’re not close to downloading human brain, even though the path is clear enough, but we still lack technology. We can scan small pieces of our brain tissue or the brain of a small organism but we still don’t know much about neuroscience and this might be possible in later future but in coming years this will just remain an idea on which only research could be done.

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